First Manifesto - Catalyst

There’s a spark in you 

that persists 

Against all odds 

Sometimes you wrestle, 

you grapple

to find meaning 

Sometimes you turn away from what you’re told

you must do.

You leave what's expected.

You choose another route, 

one that is less traveled, 

one that is unknown.

There, you find a sense of belonging 

in the soft darkness of the unknown 

that envelopes you and holds you

for a while.

Then one day, 

amidst the mundane of the everyday

you wake up.  

You see what was always there 

in you,

around you, 

A spark fierce and bright.

You begin to follow this spark.  

And as you do, 

things light up. 

You wake up to more of what is 

Others wake up to more of what is 

Together it all unfolds 

Within you, 

Around you,

You each realize that you contain something 


Together you leave the confines of the system, 

you liberate the structures, 

you find a way forward 

direct and vast 

holding and spacious. 

You follow the impulse 

the spark, 

Tiny yet infinite 

you realize 

you are boundless,

held by a sweet darkness-

and a knowing, 

That moves at the speed of light. 


Trust in Uncertain Times